Bond Coater - bitumen edge sealer

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Bond coater – bitumen edge sealer consisting of both a bond coat sprayer with spray bar at the rear and bitumen edge sealer with triple jet spray bars at the front.
Used in asphalt pavement construction to both apply the bond coat between each layer of asphalt and to seal the joints /edges of the asphalt safely.
Bond coater tank Capacity: Options available from 2000L to 12000L litres.
Bitumen edge sealer tank capacity: 300L
Spray bar options:
2.4m fixed width
Telescopic overall width 4.2m
Telescopic overall width 5m
In cab controls: Full cab controls with touch screen and proportional joysticks for one man operation.
Automatic heating: Oil burner heating with option of overnight heating.
Pumping: Positive displacement Bitumen pump with integral relief valve with output of up to 800 litres per minute is fitted.
Spraying: Spray bar fitted with slot jets at 150mm centres giving triple overlap of emulsion, jets automatically open/close as the spraying width varies and pressure is automatically controlled to remain constant.
Bond coater tank: Fabricated from mild steel to maximum section incorporating anti-surge baffles and heating flue. Insulated with 100mm dense rockwool matting and clad with Aluminium sheeting.
Edge sealer: A melting tank is immersed in a hot oil heating system with an in-tank heating grid and product agitator. The tank is insulated and clad. Joint – Edge sealing is by triple spray jet assembly and controlled from within the drivers cab.
All incorporated safety systems meet the highest European Safety standards.